
After Death, What Then?

I was talking one day with a young man eager to lay hold of all life offered him. I asked him of his plans. Without hesitation he said: I am going into business for myself.
I responded: After that, what then?
Well, I'm going to get married and probably have a family, he said.
I answered: Well, what then?
He began to share his dreams of future accomplishments, things he wanted to buy, and places he wanted to go.
I listened and said, And what then?
And with a chuckle, he replied, Well, I guess I will die.
After death, what then?
Death is not something that may happen; it will happen. No matter what we believe about death, God has said: It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
There is only one way to escape that judgment. God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to give His life as a ransom for your sins. Admitting your sins, accepting His forgiveness, and receiving Christ as Savior is all God asks of you. When you do, your eternal destination in heaven is secure.
Be confident of your reply if someone should ask you: After death, what then?

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for dying for my sins on the cross, enduring sin's penalty - death - on my behalf. With my mind, will, and emotion, I accept Christ as my living Savior and ask Him to make His home in my heart. I receive Your forgiveness for my sin and the gift of eternal life. I am no longer separated from You by sin, but now live in personal fellowship with you forever. Amen.

IN TOUCH® Copyright © 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 IN TOUCH MINISTRIES®, ITM, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia, USA, used with permission. All rights reserved.